Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming.

Improve you Results

Our brains are often compared to computers. Consider this comparison as more than a metaphor. Consider the power you would control for shaping your future, if you could completely “re-format” your brain and install the latest “operating system”. Continue as you consider what might result after loading all desired “applications” for maximized brain computing power.Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming promises that you can do just that. As a trader you must corral the emotions greed and fear and install patience and confidence. Read more here

In the early 1970’s, two social scientists, Richard Bandler and John Grinder, began exploring such ideas from a scientific perspective. Their life’s work, neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), concludes it is possible to re-program a brain without hypnosis, or mind-altering drugs. They advocate use of specific exercises created and shared with the public since 1980. With these exercises, practitioners of NLP have tools and processes for investigation of a person’s desires and values. They help you select those that you wish to keep, while quietly but convincingly, eliminating the ones you wish removed forever.

Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming uses a series of exercises that offer ways to manage and control inner attitudes and thus change the outer aspects of our lives. In our business of currency speculation and trading, we know that there are psychological characteristics that affect our work. Some of us account for these in our trading plans. Some use music, meditation, or other popular methods for control and emotion management. We concede that our attitudes toward risk, planning, money, greed and fear impact our results as traders and try various ways to manage those attitudes. Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming resolves these issues and more.

Forex traders wrestle with decisions to trust supply and demand zones as we allow a trade to stay active. How many times have you settled for a modest profit as fears of loss took control? How many times have you overlooked decent setups as you focused on finding that perfect set up? How many times have you violated your trading plans with the thought, “Well, just this once I will”. Honesty requires that traders admit to the demons in their psychological makeup. Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming promises to help you deal with these demons though management or elimination.

These “demons” do not discriminate as their find their victims. They prey on new and experienced traders alike. Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming promises to remove you from the victims list.

William James, a highly regarded American psychologist tells us, “The greatest revolution of our generation is the discovery that human beings, by changing the inner attitudes of their minds, can change the outer aspects of their lives dramatically”.

Forex Trading with Neuro Linguistic Trading
Forex Trading with Neuro Linguistic Trading

Today you know about new potential management technique, NLP. There are dozens of books on this subject and hundreds of trainers. I close this brief article offering a recommendation for one that is easily acquired, and edited by a successful trader trainer, Charles Faulkner.



While not the only book, perhaps you will conclude as I that it is the best “first book on the subject”, NLP, The New Technology of Achievement, edited by Steve Andreas and Charles Faulkner. Please read the book or one similar. Try a few exercises. Determine if Forex Trading using Neuro Linguistic Programming improves your trading..

Sz. Daniela
Sz. Daniela

Professional Trader, Forex and CFD, Currency Trading. Ace Level 5 declared April 2013. Trading Consultants Inc. a USA Corporation domiciled in Wyoming since April 2012.