
Psychology Of The Winning Trader

It is said that nine out of every ten traders loose money. It is also said that day trading is seventy five percent psychology and the other twenty five percent divided up between your trading system and proper money management. Now I do not know if those facts are true or false.
by Sz. Daniela

Currency Exchange Rates Ins and Outs

Are you planning a trip abroad? If you so, you might want to know the current currency exchange rates so you can plan ahead for your financing needs. Your money is usually not worth the same in different countries as it is in the country where you live. It’s a good idea to know the value of your dollar before you take your trip, as you will have to hand it over to be converted when you reach your destination.
by Sz. Daniela

Getting Started With Forex Trading

Foreign Exchange market trading in a very fast growing field that offers some significant advantages over other investment methods. However many people are reluctant to become involved simply because they lack the necessary knowledge. This guide will help explain the basics of FOREX trading so that you can participate in this market trend.
by Sz. Daniela

Forex – Starting your own trading

The presented article is intended for those who just turned their eyes toward FOREX. Beginning traders who are still learning the basics of the foreign exchange market may also find something of interest here. While experienced traders won’t gain anything worth their time reading this article.
by Sz. Daniela

Big profits from Currency Trading

If you want to make big profits from currency trading, you need to lock into and follow the longer-term trends. “The art of contrary” thinking is one of the most powerful tools a trader can use, and is a trait with which all true great traders are familiar with. What is the Art of Contrary Thinking?
by Sz. Daniela

Currency Trading Profits – A Simple System Making Millions!

Here we will reveal a system for currency trading profits, which has a logic that is so simple, ANY trader will see why it works, and why it will continue to work, as well as how they could be making big currency trading profits too! If you use this system in currency trading, you will have the potential to catch EVERY major currency trend. We have all heard this investment wisdom: “To make money buy low sell high” However there is a better way to make big currency trading profits and the wisdom here is: “Buy high and sell higher”
by Sz. Daniela