Szeri Nos Biggs Presents A Tale of Two Trades

“Automate or Perish”

Once upon a time there was an old trader wise and skilled as a “sight trader” from raw charts. Folks marveled at his ability to see the whale movements. He did this remarkably well.    He was even willing to share his knowledge with anyone who sought his help.

His system was almost fool proof as it was 90% winners.


But there was a real problem.


Trading from high time frame charts always created a significant unrecognized loss that  was challenging for new students to process . This problem is being solved by  wonderful student couple’s discovery. They have convinced their teacher to try an automated process called the Forager to supplement the sight moves.

The proof is  shown with the two  charts below. The old trader’s trade remains open as a sell at 113.58  still over 100 pips away.  The Forager today was used to help him  to  see the pivot.  He closed at the daily demand after winning  119 pips 

Please examine these two charts one the daily the other  chart on H4  and notice two things.

The automated assisted trade only had  a “negative” of about 15 pips of risk.

It was closed in about 4 hours.

Happy today is the old trader.

This is a journey’s beginning.

It will be a chronicle of an old man, his son Jacob, and a couple who dream only of  their home being filled with love and smiles. You see all  four of of us decided long ago that we did not need much of the material world’s temptations.

Good food ,  nice shelter, health, and smiles made our faith strong. Since we are simple people abiding in faith that God provides needs , we are blessed daily. So we dream and work and nap!

Today we will be  opening a special  section of this blog to Daniela  and Stefan Szeri our new Vice Presidents.  They will developing our ventures into automated systems  and a new expanded publishing and  training division.

They will continue  training in  Forex trading on the fly as she calls their methods.  Their journal will be available here.  You can visit with them on  linkedin where they have over 15,000 followers. where she will write a weekly article about their journey She is being asked to be a regular contributor at the Money Show Her first article should be published  next week  with co author Jeff Wecker.

Their  demo is here as a Forex Explorer 

and their Linked in is here   Daniela and Stefan Szeri 


CHFJPY  Daily Zone to Zone with Price action 


The same trade shown on H4 to reveal the actual pips risk.

So come along with us and subscribe to this blog and become a part of our family. Dream and smile again.

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Trader, Educator, Naturopath, Patriot.