Szeri Nos Biggs Trading Asks Is It The Forager Automation Robot  or is it Nos Biggs

In this case:  BOTH as Nos Biggs Leverages the Robot for 3 Big Shots .


We are fortunate to be friends with the creator team that owns and supports a rather remarkable Lil Robot named The Forager.

Forager is featured on the Money Show.  He is  the basis for a daily gathering of over 80  international Traders , This lil phenom makes trading less risky by setting a minimum  stop loss or exposure at pivots delivered daily inside the Trader room  by real live humans.  In addition you can use him to make your own decisions if you are like me and still believe that the Trade is the joy.

Let me show you results that will make you salivate and want to get him on your team. You see below you an M5 chart for AUDJPY.

You see the three Big Shots taken in today’s session.

Trade #1 had about 7 pips of risk.

  Trade #2 had about 7 pips of risk. 

Trade #3 had about 6 pips of risk.

Over a period of 13 hours much of that time our traders  were  sleeping soundly these three trades earned about $13000 USD or about $1000 an hour.

Why could we take these trades with confidence .

#1 We have programmed away the two enemies of traders Greed and Fear 

#2 We had determined from our 8 step system the pairs price was ranging.

#3 Our secret weapon Lil’ Forager was working to make sure if we were wrong it did not hurt too much. 

So  this single trade set should give you enough confidence to investigate.

If you are a totally new trader then the human support aspect of our team and the team that manages the Forager will be very appealing. 

If you want a mentor  we can help.

If you want a coach we can help.

Our offerings and  options are as our VP of automated systems  Daniella Szeri says are l”imited only by your imagination”.  We intend that  this web property become a destination where you can get support, education,or just hang out daily.  We are good  folks doing “damn good trading”  but only you can  make that next step


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Trader, Educator, Naturopath, Patriot.