
How to Avoid the Trading Traps

I hear it over and over again: “I was right about the market direction, but lost money anyway.” Sad but true. The main problem is that the average trader is always getting in at the wrong time and more specifically the wrong place. Most get in just before the countertrend rally that takes them out, and then the real move resumes without them.
by Sz. Daniela

The Benefits of FX Trading

Many people are looking at getting into day trading, and start with studying the Stock Market, and the different stock exchanges. What many don’t realize is that there are different markets and financial instruments that one can profit from. One market that has recently become available to the public to trade is the Foreign Currency Exchange, the FOREX. The foreign exchange market is the largest financial market in the world. It trades upwards of 2.5 trillion dollars per day, which is approximately 1000 times the volume of the New York Stock Exchange. Quite easily, the foreign exchange market dwarfs the stock market of any country.
by Sz. Daniela

Your Guide To Successful Forex Trading

If you were wondering; forex trading is nothing more than direct access trading of different types of foreign currencies. In the past, foreign exchange trading was mostly limited to large banks and institutional traders however; recent technological advancements have made it so that small traders can also take advantage of the many benefits of forex trading just by using the various online trading platforms to trade.
by Sz. Daniela

Online Currency Trading – Why It’s Harder Today than Ever Before

There are many who believe that the markets today, require the same skills as 30 years ago - but today’s markets are actually much harder to trade. It may surprise you, but markets have changed and are now harder to trade - but if you know why, you can increase your profits dramatically. If you don’t already understand why online currency trading has made making money harder, then you need to know - because you can then make huge profits, at the expense of other traders.
by Sz. Daniela

Forex Trading Facts

There are many benefits and advantages for trading currencies on the Foreign Exchange, better known as Forex. The Forex Exchange was established in 1971. This market grew at a steady rate throughout the 1970’s, but in the 1980’s Forex grew from trading $70 billion per day to over $1.5 trillion each day. There are many huge players in Forex, but it is accessible to the individual trader. Each lot traded is worth approximately $100,000. By using leverage, an individual trader is only required to have a $1000 investment in the trade. This is a 100:1 leverage. No other market offers this amount of leverage.
by Sz. Daniela

“How To” Start Trading The Forex Market? ( Part 2)

Why is FOREX trading so popular? Because you can trade from anywhere. From your kitchen table, bedroom, garage or from the nearest Starbucks coffeehouse ( most of them have wireless Internet connection). If you have or like to travel, take your laptop with you and you can trade the FOREX anywhere in the world where you have an Internet connection. When you want to start trading the Forex Market nobody is asking you for a diploma, a formal license
by Sz. Daniela

About Forex Trading Systems

Forex trading systems are all about getting investments into the foreign markets. Foreign exchange markets are abbreviated to be called Forex. The worldwide trading of stocks in companies and in products happen over the Forex trading system. There are over a trillion dollars traded on the Forex market everyday. You can learn to chart and follow markets in the Forex trade world on your own, or you can rely on a broker as you would in the New York stock exchange.
by Sz. Daniela

Understanding the Basics of Forex Trading

Forex trading or Foreign Exchange Trading refers to the simultaneous trading—that is, buying and selling—of two different currencies. It is done between and among major financial institutions, central banks, small retail currency traders or speculators, large international companies, government institutions, companies with overseas operations and the like.
by Sz. Daniela

Understanding Forex – #5 – Compound Interest

This is a series of articles about The Foreign Exchange Market. You will learn here what Forex is , how it works and how profitable it can be. The whole series contain the following articles . . . 1. What is Forex 2. Technical analysis 3. Fundamental analysis 4. Money management 5. Compound interest Compound Interest. As an investor, time can be your best friend once you learn how to use compound interest to your advantage. This is an important aspect of any trading system. Compounding your profits can make you very wealthy and help you increase your investment profits exponentially.
by Sz. Daniela