
Interesting Facts About FOREX.

Most experienced traders consider that the best and most profitable of the capital markets is the FOREX market. During many years FOREX trading had been the sole domain of major banks, large financial institutions and countries central banks; for example the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
by Sz. Daniela

The Secret Currency Technique that Banks Use to Make Billions

The currency markets are the backbone of global economy and the banks are riding it like a bucking bronco. The banks don’t make their money from speculating or trading the currency markets they make their money from being the currency market. What I mean by the banks is being the market is that they will make money whether you win or lose on a trade. This happens because the banks make money from the pip spreads on the front end and are always in a hedged position when a currency transaction occurs. So it does not matter what the market ultimately the banks wins regardless. Well if the banks hedge there position to protect them selves, why don’t we as traders do the same.
by Sz. Daniela

What Are The Order Types Used By Forex Traders?

During the last decade, Forex trading has become one of the most attractive business opportunities to ever hit people's interest around the world. Every day people from many walks in life is actively considering entering the profitable world of the currency markets due to its accessibility and trading characteristics.One of the first things you will do once you decide you want to enter and learn about the forex markets will be to choose your forex broker and then download the free trading platform software from your broker website.
by Sz. Daniela