
Earn Thousands Hourly With A Forex Simulator

Test-driving an online forex demo account is the preferred method of potential traders to minimize risk. A demo account readily allows a cautious person to go online and observe exactly how a paid account would work. Think of it like playing the popular wargame Command and Conquer: you send in the troops (gobs of fictitious money), make a few tactical maneuvers (invest in speculative exchanges) and conquer territories (reap profit). It can be addictive.
by Sz. Daniela

Forex Trading – Known, Unknown

In FX trading as well as in equities, bonds and commodities trading, we are used to reports being released to the market that we know the date and time but not the impact. They are called known, unknown events . We know that a Central Bank, for example, is releasing their Monetary Policy Statement on a certain date and specific time.
by Sz. Daniela

How To Win At Forex

Foreign currency exchange, the greatest game in the world with a daily trading volume of over a trillion and a half dollars (thirty times larger than the volume of all the U.S. equity markets combined), has it's share of winners and mostly losers. Do you want to learn how to be in the winners circle?
by Sz. Daniela

How Not to Lose Your Shirt Trading Forex

90% of new forex traders lose all their money within the first 3 months. This means 90% of all forex traders don’t know what the heck they’re doing! They just jump right in and rely on luck, only to end up giving away all their money to the other 10%. Let me show you how to be part of the 10%.
by Sz. Daniela

Big profits from Currency Trading

If you want to make big profits from currency trading, you need to lock into and follow the longer-term trends. “The art of contrary” thinking is one of the most powerful tools a trader can use, and is a trait with which all true great traders are familiar with. What is the Art of Contrary Thinking?
by Sz. Daniela

Currency Trading Profits – A Simple System Making Millions!

Here we will reveal a system for currency trading profits, which has a logic that is so simple, ANY trader will see why it works, and why it will continue to work, as well as how they could be making big currency trading profits too! If you use this system in currency trading, you will have the potential to catch EVERY major currency trend. We have all heard this investment wisdom: “To make money buy low sell high” However there is a better way to make big currency trading profits and the wisdom here is: “Buy high and sell higher”
by Sz. Daniela