
Poor Man’s Access To Foreign Currency Trading

By far, the largest trading market in the world is the foreign currency market. Speculators make up only a small part of the spot (cash market) and forward (futures market) currency exchange transactions. So if you are considering speculating in this area, be aware that you are trying to out-guess the brightest minds & supercomputers at large banks and hedge funds; along with the political whims & expediency of government treasury departments.
by Sz. Daniela

Others Vs Forex Trading

Forex Trading can be risky and the general rule for investing is: When the return is high the risk is high, but with correct planning and strategy combined with a certain amount of self discipline you can bring the risk factor down to a level that is quite low.
by Sz. Daniela

Forex Trading System

Some likes to play lotto or casino, and others loves the excitement of trading with stocks and currency . They all want to find a system with a high profit and no risk but believe me it does not exist and never will. Forex has developed a few trading systems adjusted to the risk you are willing to take with your investments .
by Sz. Daniela

Trading the FOREX Market Offers you Huge Leverage on Your Time and Money

Trading FOREX is an excellent opportunity you can do online from home. More and more people are beginning to hear about FOREX trading. FOREX stands for Foreign Currency Exchange Market. It was once available only to the large banks, multinational corporations, governments,and other financial markets and institutions; however it was de-regulated in 1997, and now anyone may participate.
by Sz. Daniela

Good Traders Get Educated

For anyone interested in Forex Trading, training is essential. There are numerous online Forex courses, Including Seminars,Webinars, Home Study , e Books and DVD's to name a few. In truth, with all the Information needed to trade, it would be silly to initiate trading without first getting educated to some degree.
by Sz. Daniela

Beginning FOREX – How Are Lots Traded & What The Heck Is A Pip?

If you are new to Forex, no doubt you are confused by all of the strange and unfamiliar terminology. For example, what is a pip? Also, you are probably already aware that Forex trading can be risky. How can you limit your loss and best protect your funds? This article briefly covers how currency lots are traded to help you better understand how to plan your trading strategy and manage your funds. In Foreign Currency Exchange (FOREX), earnings are expressed in "pips". Pip ...
by Sz. Daniela

Would You Like To Forex Or DayTrade?

Online trading is great way for serious investors to make money, but inexperienced traders often wind up with big losses. A good set of instructions can minimize the risks and save months of expensive trial-and-error learning.Day TradingDay Trading had its heyday during the bull market of the 1990's. All the amateurs have since dropped out, but day trading is still being practiced by professionals. There are fewer opportunities in the current market, but skilled investors can still find them if they know what to look for.
by Sz. Daniela

Currency Trading – The Future of Investment

Forex Trading, meaning Currency Trading, is a world wide, little known market, which will become the most popular source of income for investors in the very near future. It is open for banks, rich investors and small ones alike and, depending on the sum of money they are willing to risk, the earnings demonstrate this is the best way to start getting rich.Why choose currency trading over stock, real estate or futures trading? The currency trading advantages are speed, liquidity, commission-free transactions, increased safety, short-term trading and great earnings. Let’s study each of these advantages in other trading systems:
by Sz. Daniela