
Trading with Root Cause Analysis

Root cause analysis is another tool that traders could benefit from... If you have read my article on Pareto charts this will probably make more sense to you. Root cause analysis is another tool that traders could benefit from. I know that some of these things do not seem trading related, but you can improve results with them. When all is said and done results are what matter anyway.
by Sz. Daniela

Make More Money Trading Forex

Several years ago I was in search of trading that was as simple to understand and execute as possible. I had researched so many systems in 10 years of studying and trading and one thing they all had in common was complexity and vagueness. Everyone that claims to have the holy grail says it is a no brainer but when you start to dig into the nuts and bolts of the system you always find glitches. You will start to uncover little tweaks that the system promoter says you have to adjust for one reason or another.
by Sz. Daniela

Will I Get Rich Trading? – Follow Jeff Wecker Fx Pivot Trading System

Don't throw that coffee cup at your screen, I'm only being honest. Do some people get rich trading?...Absolutely. The internet is filled with talented pitch men that can hype anything from watching the stars to the latest and greatest make you rich on auto-pilot software program for your trading signals. (but the stars thing does work great with my wife) Well, here today on the World Wide Web I am going to reveal the Holy Grail of trading. The surprise is it won't be found sold on the 'net in fact it is not a trading system at all. It is (drum roll please) being honest with yourself. My goodness, that's not very exciting after all the hype we've been fed by the guru's.
by Sz. Daniela

Trading with Support and Resistance

Support and resistance has long been a staple in trading indicators. Support and resistance is a simple concept that has its roots in the supply and demand theory. When looking at a chart you see price action that appears to be random but, by adding support and resistance theory to the equation you will see that the price movements are not always random.
by Sz. Daniela

What Are the Hidden Odds of Trading

Anyone who is vaguely familiar with gambling knows that the house has the odds in their favor. Do some people leave a casino with large winnings? Yes, but that's because they left before they lost it back to the casino. If they had won and then continued to play long enough it is a mathematical certainty that would lose all of it back to the house. I watched a program one time about a group of students from MIT that had developed a system to beat the odds in blackjack.
by Sz. Daniela

Fibonacci Retracement Trading – Take Advantage

Fibonacci, Actually named Leonardo of Pisa, was born in Pisa, Italy about 1175 A.D.. Today, he is recognized as the greatest European mathematian of the middle ages. Fibonacci is credited with introducing the Arabic-Hindu numeral system to Europe. He also introduced the decimal system. Both became the basis of mathematics we use today. Enough background for now.
by Sz. Daniela

Would You Like To Forex Or DayTrade?

Online trading is great way for serious investors to make money, but inexperienced traders often wind up with big losses. A good set of instructions can minimize the risks and save months of expensive trial-and-error learning.Day TradingDay Trading had its heyday during the bull market of the 1990's. All the amateurs have since dropped out, but day trading is still being practiced by professionals. There are fewer opportunities in the current market, but skilled investors can still find them if they know what to look for.
by Sz. Daniela